
Chinese Steamed Buns Mantou 饅頭

Chinese Steamed Buns Mantou 饅頭

Chinese bread, chinese, Steamed Buns, 麵包, Mantou, recipe, chinese yeast bread, sweet bread, 饅頭
By Published: 2018-05-24
My dearest grandma 奶奶 used to make basketfuls of these basic chinese steamed buns, known as Mantou 饅頭, and feed them to us hungry children day in and day out, filling our hungry growing tummies with this sweet fluffy bread.  These buns are eaten all over China as breakfast, for a quick snack or just whenever one needs a filler.  When I was in my teens I could eat probably the whole plateful of the bread you can seen in the photo above in one go...yup, kinda gross but true, I could eat a lot of food back then.  These classic Chinese buns are quite simple to make and delicious to eat, just sweet, white puffs of cloud like yummiliciousness.   The same dough can also be used to make all kinds of other stuffed and filled chinese buns and breads and the like!
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