Animal Cracker Cookies 動物餅乾
Animal Cracker Cookies 動物餅乾
By Ellen L. Published: 2016-09-24
It's that time of the year when the kids are back to school...which means it's also time for packed school lunches and snacks! And I have been that busy in my teensy tiny kitchen making all kinds of things for school lunch. One of my favorite things to make and pack into lunch packs are these cookies. There's nothing to delight children more than yummilicious cookies in the shape of cute adorable animals!
So you are's gonna be cuteness here today! This is our take of that favorite little cookie, classically known as Animal Crackers (tho' why it's called crackers and not cookies I have no idea), inspired by those classic Barnum's Animal Crackers, the longstanding kiddie favorites that come in a colorfully decorated box. Do you remember eating these as a kid? I sure do.
Barnum's Animal Crackers |
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