Bang Bang Chicken Salad 棒棒雞絲
Bang Bang Chicken Salad 棒棒雞絲
By Ellen L. Published: 2016-04-23
Bang! Bang, bang! Want to get back at all those annoying things that happen all in a day's work that you can't do anything about like...being stuck in traffic because you stupidly decided to get a taxi instead of using public transport or...waiting in line forever as the person in front "chats' with the cashier or...your boss giving you a hard time for something that's his fault or...hey, I could go on forever. Well how about taking out your frustrations on a tender juicy piece of chicken breast, before ripping it to tiny little pieces? But then you feel a wee bit mean and so you have to make amends by dressing that shredded chicken with a drizzle of spicy numbing sesame soy dressing, then nestling it tenderly on a cool crunchy bed of cucumber strips and translucent mung bean noodles? Yummmm...amiright? And don't you feel better already? I know I do. Make this cool and yummilicious Bang Bang Chicken 棒棒雞絲 for your dinner tonight and see if you don't get a right 'bang' out of it!
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