Easy Homemade Strawberry Jam 士多啤梨果醬
Easy Homemade Strawberry Jam 士多啤梨果醬
By Ellen L. Published: 2015-09-14
Recently I've happily discovered an important fact. It turns out that you can make your own homemade fruit jam pretty easily and quickly! Wow, oh wow! I've always hankered after making my own fruit jams, dreaming of the fresh, sweet sticky goodness that I could feed my family (and myself, of course!) if only I could make my own jam. But I was intimidated by all the talk of canning jars and sterilization and super large pots of boiling fruit. It all sounded so serious and ultra time consuming! And then I found out (by finally watching the amazing Great British Bake Off, OMG I'm totally obssessed with that show!) that if you only wanted one jar of jam to eat, why, that was easy peasy to make! And so I tried it out and made my first jar of Easy Homemade Strawberry Jam. Just like that I was in jammy heaven, sunshine and happiness in a jar!
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